Illusion started off as a choir student of eleven years when they decided to try their hand at drumming in their high school's pipe band. Starting their freshman year of highschool, they began learning to read and play percussion music in pipe band and then joined the percussion ensemble at the start of their sophomore year to further their knowledge. Now in their junior year, they spend their mornings at their high school in jazz ensemble, Spanish class, percussion ensemble, and wind ensemble, and their afternoons taking online college classes through Running Start at Eastern Washington University, as well as attending pipe band practice two days a week. In addition to being passionate about music, Illusion is equally passionate about art. They consider themself a mostly digital artist, but also love drawing traditionally, painting, crocheting, and making collages. They enjoy coming up with new art projects to busy themselves with and would like to learn to animate. In the future, Illusion would like to attend Eastern Washington University to continue studying both art and music. They have already started taking online college art classes to learn about design and how to analyze artworks, and hope to seek a career as a graphic designer or display artist, while retaining musical performances as a side gig.